Investlinx Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are listed instruments and can be bought and sold on the Italian stock exchange (“Borsa Italiana”, a regulated stock exchange) like stocks. This makes them a useful building block within an investment portfolio.
The most common methods to access ETFs are:
Banks and Financial Intermediaries
Banks and Financial Intermediaries offer their clients the ability to invest into shares, ETFs and other financial products.
Financial Advisers
Financial Advisers often provide holistic services to their clients that include both advice and execution.
Online Brokers
An online stockbroker is a professional entity or individual that is registered to trade on a stock exchange. Stockbrokers trade shares and bonds, as well as ETFs.DISCLAIMER
Please consider that since the Fund is an ETF, investors will generally only be able to buy or sell shares on the Italian stock exchange (Borsa Italiana). Accordingly, investors may pay brokerage fees and/or transaction costs in connection with their dealings on stock exchange(s).
If you are a professional investor, please refer to the PROFESSIONAL INVESTOR section.
The value of Shares may go down as well as up and investors may not get back any of the amount invested.
The value of investments involves exposure to foreign currencies and may therefore be affected by exchange rate movements.
Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated.
Investors should obtain independent advice before making any investment decision.
Investors should read carefully the Prospectus, Supplements and the KID, paying particular attention to the information in relation to risks, before investing.