
Notice to Shareholders of Investlinx Capital Appreciation UCITS ETF

Dear Shareholder,

We are writing to notify you of the following non-material changes to the investment policies of the Fund as set out in the Supplement of the Fund.

It is intended to revise the Supplement of the Fund to better reflect how the Fund is being managed by removing the flexibility to invest up to 20% of Net Asset Value in debt securities including government and corporate bonds. It is also intended to revise the Supplement of the Fund to provide that the Fund may only invest in government bonds and debt securities for ancillary liquidity purposes (the Forthcoming Changes).

It is not anticipated that the Forthcoming Changes to the Supplement will have any material practical impact on the composition of the portfolio of the Fund or the management of the Fund by the Manager. Please see the relevant marked-up pages of the Supplement in the Appendix to this Notice highlighting the Forthcoming Changes.

The Forthcoming Changes require no action on your part and will come into effect on or around 16 May 2024 (the Effective Date) subject to the approval of the Central Bank.

The updated Supplement will be made available on

If you have any questions related to the above, please contact Samuel Smith (E:; T: +353 1 631 6099).

Click here to read the full notice.